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What To Do With Tomato Skins

Learn this trick, and you'll never throw them away again

So you've mastered how to get the skins off tomatoes—now what? It's tempting to throw them out, but think twice before you do. Vegetable scraps, like parsley stems and tomato skins, help boost flavor intensity—especially if you're making tomato soup—but that's just the beginning. Besides, you shelled out for the best of the crop, so make every summery ounce last.

Dry out leftover tomato skins for a versatile tomato powder.

① Dehydrate tomato skins in the microwave or oven.

② Add them to a spice grinder with sea salt or as is.

③ Use the powder to flavor your favorite summer foods as you would any spice.

RELATED   How to Peel 10 Tomatoes at a Time "

Noted New York chef Gabrielle Hamilton even recommends this trick in her cookbook, Prune. Plus, tomato salt? This calls for the most meta salted heirloom you'll have this summer.
