Sold-Out Museum Of Ice Cream Is Releasing More Tickets

The sold-out pop-up will release a new batch of tickets this week

Peak summer heat has descended upon New York, and we can't think of a better way to escape than by visiting the city's new Museum of Ice Cream, which opened earlier this month and runs until September 1. But tickets sold out almost instantly, meaning many (many!) ice cream lovers were left out in the cold (er, heat).

Fortunately, the team at the ice cream museum has taken pity on us all and is releasing another round of tickets sometime this week, Time Out reports. Those looking to get in on the action should sign up for the museum's newsletter to find out when the $18 tickets will go on sale. Black-market tickets—yes, there are actually black-market tickets to an ice cream museum—are going for up to $100 each on Craigslist.

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Those who are lucky enough to get in will be treated to a Willy Wonka-esque experience, complete with helium-filled sugar balloons, magic berries that make sour things taste sweet and, of course, ice cream from places like McConnell's, Blue Marble and Morgenstern's. Oh, and lest we forget a pool of sprinkles to swim in (don't worry, they're actually made from plastic).

If you can't make it this month, there's still hope. The organizers have said that they hope to take the museum on the road at some point.
