The Newest Pringles Holiday Flavor

Salt-and-vinegar has nothing on this

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Is it a chip? Is it a cookie? No, it's just the newest flavor of Pringles rolling in for the holiday season.

Joining the seasonal batting order of pecan pie and salted caramel: sugar cookie, a confusing (yet intriguing) play on sweet and salty. It'll be exclusively sold at Walmart starting in early November, donning a new ugly sweater pattern on the can.

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Sweet chips aren't a new concept—cinnamon sugar pita chips and chocolate-covered potato chips abound—and Pringles themselves have enough dessert flavors for a crispy basketball team. The salted caramel flavor has been called a "home run", and the pecan pie made one taster want to "chain-eat through half a can in 10 minutes," so we have high hopes for what the new flavor will bring.

In a world full of barbecue chips, be a sugar cookie.
