Gin & Tonic Marmalade

We'll toast to that

For mornings when you just can't take another avocado rose, liven up your toast with this new marmalade that takes its cue from your favorite happy hour cocktail: the classic gin and tonic.

The $14 jars are being sold by London retailer Firebox and, according to, are made using real artisanal gin, sugar, lemon, water and quinine extract, the flavoring frequently found in tonic water. This buzzy spread won't get you, er, buzzed, though, as most of the booze is already cooked off. (Just think of it as a plus, since you won't get a crippling hangover after downing an entire jar.)

Unfortunately, due to liquor restrictions, Firebox does not ship its gin and tonic marmalade to the U.S., but if you do need your fix of spreadable booze, we have a solution
