Summer Ice Cream Flavors At OddFellows, NYC
It's not summer unless we get new flavors from one of NYC's ice cream masterminds. For our first ice cream fix of the season, we headed over to the new OddFellows ice cream outfit on Houston Street, Coffee & Cream. OddFellows is known for its fantastical flavors and wacky, yet always delicious, combinations. It's an unsurprising reputation considering the source: Sam Mason, formerly the pastry chef at the now-closed wd-50, where he practiced a similar whimsy and wizardry.
Among the new creations is a raspberry doughnut plunked with an impressive globe of choco-torta ice cream and fancified even further with a leaning tower of pink peppercorn whipped cream. This thing is beyond fork and knife; you have to just go in face first. There's also coffee and cherry soft-serve, with the flavors swirled into a pillowy shape on a wafer cone. As for the rest of the frozen treats, there's something for everyone — especially if the idea of something like a coldbrew milkshake piques your interest.