16 Almond Milk Brands, Ranked Worst To Best

Almond milk's first mention can be traced back to 13th century Baghdad when it was mentioned in a cookbook, according to Vegan Food and Living. It was the drink of choice for Medieval Europe, where it was a status symbol and drank mainly by nobility (via Second History). And, as of September 2020, it was the most popular plant-based drink for those looking for more animal-friendly options, according to Food Dive. Almond milk has a long history, perhaps because it's downright delicious.

There are many reasons to drink almond milk. Maybe you're lactose intolerant, or just looking for a lighter way to enjoy plant-based milk because almond milk has fewer calories per serving than soy, rice, and coconut milk (via Healthline). Whatever the reason, we rounded up some almond milk brands to give you some guidance the next time you're strolling through the aisles of your local grocery store. Grab a glass and keep reading for our picks of almond milk brands, ranked from worst to best. 

16. Blue Diamond Almond Breeze

It seems rather common to have plant-based milk products that have a neutral taste. Perhaps, in the race to find a product that was comparable to cow's milk, plant-based milk producers just replicated their most handy reference. So you won't necessarily taste almonds or oats for example, but instead just a thick liquid. Blue Diamond's Almond Breeze does actually taste like almonds, which is a refreshing change of pace. The taste is nice and in fact, the brand sets itself apart with flavors ranting from chocolate to vanilla to honey.

Unfortunately, it is a bit too watery, which is a bummer because there are some other great qualities to this almond milk — like the fact that it has no additives and no artificial colors. One Amazon reviewer summed it up nicely by saying, "Good for the price. Not as [tasty] as other [brands] but good enough for coffee. A bit thin [and] watery."

15. SO Delicious

SO Delicious has been producing dairy-free alternatives for the last 30 years, including cheese substitutes, frozen desserts, and lactose-free milk. Their almond milk is a staple on many vegan shelves but unfortunately, both the texture and flavor aren't quite right to some. 

Because almond milk can be used for many different things, like baking, as a base for cereal, or poured into coffee, next to taste, the texture is the most important quality. And SO Delicious is just far too thin for us to get behind. Because of its watery texture, it may be suitable for baking, but it definitely wouldn't make for the best coffee additive. The taste, however, is pretty spot-on, and while the texture isn't an absolute deal-breaker, it's certainly grounds to rethink before purchasing. But ultimately, one Amazon summed it up perfectly by saying, "A bit thin, but tastes good, I will order again."

14. Member's Mark Almond Milk

As Sam's Club's in-house brand, Member's Mark is accustomed to producing customer-friendly products that run the gamut from household items to tech gadgets to seafood. Their almond milk is another attempt to capture the demands of their customers and is a dairy-free, certified Kosher almond milk that boasts a "smooth and creamy" texture on the Sam's Club website.

But, creamy is an understatement. This Member's Mark almond milk is incredibly thick and makes it tough to add to one's routine like any other milk. It also has a difficult-to-identify smell that makes it both unappealing and unappetizing to some. One particular Sam's Club reviewer summed it up by saying, "Too thick for our preference and we think it has an unusual smell and taste. Our daughter identified it perfectly..... Play-Doh!!!" That may be harsh, but if strapped for choices, this isn't a terrible option. It's just that there are some others that have perfected their texture and offer a more enjoyable experience.

13. Natura Almond Milk

There's something for everyone in the range of Natura almond milk. 

Natura actually got its start as a tofu manufacturer in 1992, according to the Natura website. As the interest in its products grew, the brand released additional products under the name Natura. It would eventually focus on plant-based beverages and in 2011 it introduced the line of Natura Almond beverages. This Canadian company has been committed to vegan products ever since.

Whether you like vanilla, chocolate, and coconut flavored almond milk, you're in luck because those are what Natura offers. But do their flavors mask a high-quality milk or help disguise a less-than-stellar product? From An Alto II's Cassey Razon writes, "Personally, the milk had a weird almondy after taste, which is obviously inevitable, but is a factor that I don't exactly appreciate." It should taste like almonds but it also shouldn't be a flavor that lingers for too long. If you're someone who wants a more simple, lighter almond milk, this is one to skip.

12. Mooala

It's hard to say no to any product with a koala on the label! That's how Mooala draws us in, but can the flavor and texture of their almond milk keep us intrigued?

This company is known for its plant-based milk and creamers. Think almond, banana and, oat-based milk. While we totally stand behind Mooala's plant-based message, the texture of their unsweetened almond milk misses the mark. 

It seems somewhere along the way, Mooala didn't prioritize the taste of their almond milk because it falls short. One Amazon reviewer remarked on the almond milk by saying, "[It] had a grainy taste and is not shelf stable as it indicates. Spoils after a few days." This will do just fine for a plant-free milk to bake with or add to smoothies, but if you prefer to drink your almond milk plain or add them to cereal, it's best to skip this one.

11. Simply Almond Milk

It's important to know that although this almond milk is branded as Simply, the company actually sits under and is owned by Coca-Cola. It's a tempting proposition — clean products made with primarily the ingredient on the front of the label.

The company was originally founded by Minute Maid in 2001, according to Modern Cities, as an alternative to the concentrate orange juices. It's branched out into other juices and milk, and today it produces a range of oat and almond drinks in addition to their juices. 

It's impressive that each drink contains only 3-5 ingredients. So the ingredient list may appeal to the purists out there, but what about the taste? Unfortunately, it's not nearly as interesting. One Go Dairy Free reviewer said, "I really wanted to love this. I've tried numerous brands of almond milk, but this one is watery, bland and off-putting. The flavor is odd, reminiscent of canned, evaporated milk. An odd tinny taste."

10. Pacific Foods Organic Almond Plant-Based Beverage

You may have seen Pacific Foods items in your local health food store. The company make broths and pre-made soups that are packaged in a box that looks similar to their almond milk. Their soups and broths are delicious and the good news is their almond milk is tasty as well. With plant-based milk, consistency is important and this Pacific Foods Almond Milk is just right — not too thick and not too runny. Because it has a perfectly balanced texture, it would work well as an almond milk to drink on its own. Just pour in a glass, grab some warm, freshly baked cookies and enjoy!

One Swanson Vitamins reviewer is a fan of the almond milk and said, "This is a great organic non dairy beverage. Not to sweet. Use it in morning coffee and for making protein drinks and seed cereal."

9. Elmhurst Milked Almonds

If you haven't noticed by now, texture is a crucial factor in rating almond milk. It's because just like cow's milk, almond milk can be used for a multitude of purposes. So when dairy-free milk brands release a barista version, the purpose is to ensure it doesn't curdle in drinks. According to Bloomberg, the barista version of cow's milk is called "super" and is fattier, creamier, and meant to be foamier. 

Plant-based milk has tried to replicate this same rich effect. And in the case of Elmhurst, it has definitely succeeded. It claims to use a patented technique called HydroRelease that uses only water to create a thicker texture (via Elmhurst). So if you use almond milk in your coffee drinks, they'll be pretty! The team over at Cooking Light said while the flavor was a little odd, it "foamed very well." It's not certified organic, so if that's your thing, tread carefully.

8. Great Value Almond Milk

It's easy to overlook Great Value in favor of bigger brand name products but they deliver exactly what they promise — a great value. This brand of Walmart tried their hand at plant-free milk to a surprising degree of success. 

One Influenster reviewer is convinced of Great Value's quality, and said, "A Great Value product worthy of a five-star review. I've tried every brand of almond milk available to me including expensive, popular brands as well as many other store brands, but I always come back to buying this one. I only use the unsweetened original and vanilla versions. They never taste chalky or have that weird chemical aftertaste that some of the others have. Proof that more money does not always equate to better quality."

For the affordability and the almond taste, this gets a thumbs up. The vanilla variety does venture towards "too sweet" but you can always opt for the unsweetened option.

7. Better Than Milk Almond Drink

According to the New York Times, plant-based milk is certainly a suitable source of certain vitamins and minerals, but they're not an adequate replacement for the minerals that dairy provides. So right away, from their name alone, we can see that Better Than Milk is making some pretty bold claims. 

There's not much information on the About Us section of the site, so it's not clear if Better Than Milk is a family brand or owned by a larger company. What is clear though, is that Better Than Milk's Almond milk is pretty tasty. It is a bit nutty and sweet and reflects the true, delicious essence of almonds. The downside here is that for as pure as Better Than Milk tastes, it is pasteurized, which according to Consciously Kosher, deactivates certain nutritional benefits and produces free radicals. Whether that would turn you off completely, is up to you.

6. Silk

Silk was originally known for its soy products, which it began experimenting with way back in 1977, long before the demand for plant-based milk was mainstream. Then, in 1996, Silk's soy milk products were launched, followed by the addition of almond milk years later in 2010.

Today Silk is a well-respected brand. And their almond milk taste aligns with their brand's reputation. This is the perfect Almond milk for those who are making the transition from cow's milk and want to ease into the taste of plant-based milk. One Amazon reviewer explained, "It tastes like 2% Milk that is sweetened by cereal! I honestly don't taste any difference between regular 2% Milk and Silk Almond Milk... I use it for overnight oats, mixed with cookies too. I place my oats, chocolate chunks, cookies, and drench them with Silk Almond Milk. I stir, and have breakfast oats with cookie chunks for the morning!" 

It's versatile and delicious and could be just the thing for both plant-based and non-plant-based households.

5. Orgain

Orgain is a line of plant-based protein powders, shakes, bars, supplements and of course milk. It was founded by Dr. Andrew Abraham who sought out a nutritious, plant-based shake during his cancer treatments. Almond milk is the only plant-based milk Orgain produces. It's high in protein which is important for those cutting out cow's milk. Dairy milk has 8 grams of protein per cup, according to US Dairy, while Orgain has 10 grams for the same serving size. So it gets points for having sufficient protein, but how does it taste? Orgain almond milk is certainly richer and thicker than other brands of almond milk, with a nice nutty taste. You can use it in your coffee or to dip some freshly baked cookies into! And if the thickness isn't your preference, you can always water it down slightly before drinking.

One Thrive Market reviewer said, "This milk is a wonderful, healthy substitute for dairy products. Try it in your pancake batter and your tastebuds will be smiling!"

4. Califia Farms

Almond milk may contain extra sugar, making for a tricky situation for those who are following keto diets. Keto diets force your body to use fuel from ketone bodies, which the liver produces from fat, rather than sugar from carbs, according to Harvard Health. So you'll want to be sure to stick to unsweetened almond milk. That's where Califia Farms succeeds. It actually makes a host of other almond milks, like vanilla, extra creamy, and coconut flavored, but their unsweetened almond milk clocks in at 0 grams of sugar per serving.

One Target reviewer is a big fan of this almond milk and said, "For an unsweetened almond milk this is by far the best I have tried. Sure it has more flavor then other almond milks out there but it's a GOOD flavor. You can actually taste the almonds and vanilla, it's a nice balance. Definitely try if you have not."


Malk is like the super cool friend who always looks great in the simplest of outfits. That's because Malk has only 3 ingredients. Many plant-based milk brands contain an ingredient called gellan gum that is a vegan thickening agent that stabilizes the textures of some of your favorite foods like ice creams and yogurts, according to Mind Body Green. It is totally safe for human consumption, but for those that live by a "less is more" approach, they may want to keep their almond milk as simple as possible. And that's where Malk wins the top prize. Their unsweetened almond milk contain only filtered water, almond butter, and Himalayan pink salt. 

Malk is a lot like the almond milk you may make at home and it has a pared-down flavor that is more like skim milk than almond milk. One Influenster reviewer was head over heels for Malk, and said, "BEST dairy alternative brand on the market! Minimal ingredients with no added gums or fillers. I pick up a few [every time] I am at Whole Foods because they always seem to have limited inventory. I will forever be a loyal customer. I highly recommend!"

2. Good & Gather

We have to give it to Target's Good and Gather brand. It's the company's flagship food and beverage brand and it's committed to only the very best quality for a wide range of products like ready-made meals, and dairy and granola bars, according to Target's website

Their unsweetened almond milk is a prime example of this. With no added sugar, the Good & Gather almond milk has a very clean flavor with a rich texture. One Target reviewer said, "Wow! I've had to stay away from dairy for many years now and I've tried so many and made my own too. I was so pleasantly surprised to find that this is one of the best non diary milks I've tried, especially almond. A lot of almond milk tastes very watered down or has fake thickener to make it seem better textured. This is rich, creamy and flavorful. The ingredients are things I'm comfortable with. I'm so glad I can add almond milk to the list of things I can pick up at Target."

1. Three Trees

Three Trees organic almond milk is our number one pick for many reasons! The company is committed to sustainability so it uses recycled plastic for their bottles. But on top of that, it's a small company founded by a mom-preneur named Jenny in 2012. The almond milk comes in an original, vanilla, pistachio, and black sesame flavors. 

Three Trees have a very simplified ingredient list — just almonds and water for just the plain almond milk. One Facebook commenter gave an enthusiastic review of the Three Trees Almond Milk and said, "I so appreciate that you don't use sugar and the only ingredients used are what is needed – no fillers and organic. I use your Pistachio Milk and it is unbelievable! I love it! Many companies are making their almond milks in a very unhealthy way, loaded with sugar and it defeats the entire purpose. I really appreciate this company, love it!"
