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Healthy Energy Drinks You Can Find In Any Grocery Store

Most energy drinks are not healthy — we've known this for a while now. Drinking Red Bull, Monster, or Rockstar comes with health risks. High sugar content paired with increased amounts of caffeine are the primary reasons you've been told to stay away from them. There are about 27 grams of sugar per 8.4-ounce can of Red Bull, 54 grams per 16-ounce can of Monster, and 63 grams per 16-ounce can of RockStar. That's all higher than the average daily recommended sugar intake for adults. According to the American Heart Association, men should only ingest at most 36 grams per day, while women should have 25 grams at most.

Even in sugar-free products, the caffeine content of these energy drinks can be dangerously high. In Monster and Rockstar, there are around 160 milligrams of caffeine per can, which is nearly the amount of two cups of coffee. Studies have linked the repeated consumption of this amount of caffeine — in addition to the other weird ingredients tossed into these drinks — to increased blood pressure and heart problems. Less serious (but just as unenjoyable) side effects from frequently enjoying energy drinks can also occur, like headaches, trouble sleeping, digestion issues, dizziness, and anxiety.

Today, there are newer and better options on the market that have less sugar, caffeine, and calories, and even beneficial vitamins or minerals. Read on to learn about healthy energy drinks that you can find in any grocery store.


Celsius is one of the easiest drinks to find in stores. This energy drink is known for its claim of being a workout aid. It aims to increase energy as well as metabolism before workouts. The company says that this so-called "dietary supplement" may help you burn additional body fat while working out when the metabolic rate is increased by the inclusion of a blend of green tea, caffeine, ginger root extract, taurine, and guarana. These last two ingredients are energy drink staples.

Every can of Celsius is sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan, non-GMO, and Kosher. Harmful ingredients typical to American processed foods, such as high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, and artificial food colorings, are not included. A 12-ounce can of Celsius Original or Celsius Live Fit contains 200 milligrams of caffeine per can. Depending on the type of Celsius, there may be some vitamins and nutrients in each can. Celsius Peach Vibe contains Vitamins B, C, B6, and B12.

You can find this healthy energy drink at Amazon, Target, CVS, Walmart, and other grocery stores.

Zevia Energy

Zevia is an up-and-coming energy drink. You may be more familiar with Zevia Cola — one of the company's famous zero-calorie and zero-sugar sodas — or maybe you've heard of Zevia Sparkling Water. However, Zevia Energy (the company's energy drink) also advertises the benefits of these other products, in addition to higher caffeine content per serving. Each 12-ounce can of Zevia Cola contains 45 milligrams of caffeine, while the same size can of Zevia Energy contains 120 milligrams of caffeine.

As for additional health benefits, the company claims its product is non-GMO certified. Don't worry about finding artificial sweeteners in this drink either, because there aren't any. Zevia is known for utilizing the stevia plant in its products. This natural sweetener is 100 to 300 times as sweet as sugar, meaning you can still expect a very sweet drink. According to Zevia, the stevia leaf extract is also useful because it's free from calories and won't raise its consumer's blood sugar.

You can find Zevia Energy at Amazon, Kroeger, Target, Sam's Club, Walmart, and other grocery stores.

Guayaki Yerba Mate

Guayaki Yerba Mate comes in that recognizable yellow packaging. If you've tried yerba mate before, there's a pretty good chance you've had this brand. If you're not familiar with yerba mate at all, here is a brief introduction: Yerba mate is a powerful caffeinated herbal tea that comes from the leaves of the Ilex paraguariensis plant. It's celebrated for creating fewer jitters and less of a crash than regular tea. 

The Guayaki Yerba Mate company has many products to choose from, including high-energy cans. As the brand explains on its website, these 15.5-ounce beverages are a non-carbonated mix of yerba mate and organic fruit juice that offer consumers 150 milligrams of caffeine. They're available in stores and online, such as Amazon, Target, and Walmart, and are available in various flavors, including Enlighten Mint, Tropical Uprising, Lemon Elation, Orange Exuberance, and Revel Berry.

Steaz Yerba Mate

Steaz Energy is another line of lesser-known energy drinks owned by a company with several other, more recognizable products. However, when it comes to the brand's energy drinks, they get their energy from yerba mate, green tea, and guarana.

Each 12-ounce can of Steaz Energy, which comes in flavors like Berry, Orange Clementine, and Super Fruit, contains 100 milligrams of caffeine, meaning you don't get quite as much of a buzz as you would with other options. In addition to caffeine, 140 calories, 35 grams of sugar, 55 milligrams of sodium, and 35 grams of carbohydrates can be found in the berry option of this beverage. But, if you are trying to avoid calories, try Berry Zero. This option has zero calories while still offering the same amount of caffeine in each can.

You can find this drink at Amazon, Giant, Walmart, and Safeway.

Clean Cause Yerba Mate

Clean Cause is an easy-to-find, relatively healthy energy drink that gathers its caffeine from yerba mate tea. With low-calorie options, you'll find 60 calories per 16-ounce can. But you can avoid calories completely by purchasing from the company's zero-calorie line, which has 9 grams of sugar alcohol in each 16-ounce serving.

No matter which of its products interests you the most, there's another reason to try this drink. Clean Cause donates 50% of all profits to addiction recovery. Per the drink brand, the company gives back by creating "sober living scholarships" that help to support individuals in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. It created nearly 3,000 scholarships of this kind — with almost $1.5 million in donations — and has grasped the attention of musician Macklemore, who has been open in recent years about his own struggles with addiction.

Clean Cause energy drinks are also widely available. They can be found at Amazon, Walmart, Safeway, and other stores.

Rebbl Maca Cold-Brew Coffee

This next drink is a bit untraditional as far as energy drinks. That's because it is made from coffee. What makes the Rebbl Maca Cold-Brew Coffee even more unique is maca. Maca is a trendy wellness powerhouse that hits many of the health-focused communities' interests. There's evidence of the maca root's use in ancient Andean medicines utilized by the Incas. It's also an adaptogenic food, which helps people adjust more effectively to stress.

The Rebbl Maca Cold-Brew Coffee has plenty of other advantages. There are 145 milligrams of caffeine per bottle. It is dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan, and USDA Certified Organic. If you're looking to avoid calories altogether, this isn't the drink for you. There are 130 calories per bottle. But on the positive side of things, this could make the drink more filling than other energy drinks. 

Guru Organic Energy

Guru Organic Energy is another healthy energy drink. There are only 20 calories and 3 grams of sugar per can of Guru Organic Energy Lite. Each 8.4-ounce can has 100 milligrams of caffeine, which is produced from green tea and guarana. As for the non-lite version of the drink, that has the same amount of caffeine but with 80 calories and 21 grams of sugar.

Guarana is a popular energy drink ingredient that appears in several drinks on this list and has a higher concentration of caffeine than coffee beans. Per Mic, "A coffee bean contains about 2% caffeine by weight, but a guarana bean contains more like 4-6%." Guarana contains other stimulants as well, such as theophylline and theobromine.

Guru Organic Energy comes in three options: original, yerba mate, and matcha. However, the Lite version only comes in original.

The Guru brand is available at Amazon and Walmart.


Just like the cocktail of the same name, Hiball combines several different stimulating ingredients to create one powerful drink. In just one can, there are 160 milligrams of caffeine, plus 50 milligrams of guarana, and 50 milligrams of ginseng. In addition to the caffeine of the first two components, ginseng is also believed to boost energy levels. You can see why Hiball would want this ingredient in its energy drinks.

Each can of Hiball has zero calories, zero sugar, and zero carbs. And, with the main ingredient being carbonated water, this drink might taste a little more like a can of seltzer than a sugary Red Bull. One reviewer on Amazon compared this drink to such, saying, "In a nutshell, these taste EXACTLY like any other brand of flavored mineral water such as Crystal Geyser, Perrier, Calistoga, etc."

Hiball also infuses its drinks with beneficial vitamins and minerals. You'll get 150% of the daily recommended dose of Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 by drinking just one 16-ounce can. The drinks are available for purchase on Amazon.


Yachak is an energy drink made from yerba mate. The company has one product line, but this drink comes in different flavors: blackberry, passionfruit, Ultimate Mint, Berry Red, and Berry Blue. Every 15.5-ounce can contains 165 milligrams of caffeine. That makes it one of the most caffeinated energy drinks on this list.

The company also has roots in the rainforest. Yerba mate, which is the key ingredient in Yachak and other energy drinks, is grown all over the Amazon. To give back to the place that provides them with this product, Yachak partners with the One Tree Planted project. The partnership has a goal of planting over 500,000 trees over 300 acres by 2024.

Each can of Yachak contains 150 calories and 34 grams of sugar (aside from Berry Red, which has 33 grams of sugar). Now that may seem like a lot of sugar, but it is "organic cane sugar" that is Fair Trade certified, Non-GMO verified, and USDA organic certified.

You can find Yachak at Amazon, Walmart, and Sam's Club.


Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson is one of the founders of the drink company Zoa Energy. He's certainly not the only celebrity to launch a product of this kind. Musician 50 Cent also has his own energy drink company called Street King. Johnson launched the Zoa company in 2021 with business partners including John Shulman, who's previously worked with the Voss drink company.

Johnson is not only a highly paid actor — and highly followed Instagram user — but is also known for his background as a professional wrestler. Zoa uses this image of Johnson's strength throughout its marketing. The can has Johnson's famous tattoos on them. The name Zoa comes from the Polynesian word for warrior, "Toa." Zoa is even marketed as a workout enhancer that will give you warrior strength. The company claims that's because the drink is fueled by amino acids, which help to "supercharge muscle growth."

Zoa offers both zero sugar options and 100 calorie options. By choosing the zero sugar option, you'll probably be getting a healthier product of the two. There are still 15 calories per can and nearly 10% of the daily recommended sodium intake for adults. However, there's more of a variety of supplements included in this drink.

You can find this drink at Amazon, Walmart, GNC, and The Vitamin Shoppe.

Eboost Super Fuel

Eboost Super Fuel is a sparkling water energy drink. Like the Zoa marketing for warrior customers, Eboost sells itself as an energy drink for a specific kind of busy person. The website claims, "Eboost is for people who live to do more every day — who thrive on the go and always have a new goal on the horizon." The back of the can even provides a list of scenarios when this type of person might need an EBOOST beverage. These situations include work/study, afternoon spark, pre-workout, travel/jet lag, and healthy mixer.

In addition to the shameless advertisements for young working professionals and partygoers, you can tell a little more about its desired audience by its certifications. Eboost cans are non-GMO, gluten-free, and soy-free, and have 110 milligrams of caffeine per 11.5-ounce can, 10 or 15 calories, depending on the flavor, and a lot of vitamins and minerals. 

You can find Eboost at Amazon, as well as grocery stores such as Target, The Vitamin Shoppe, and Walmart.

Matcha Love

Matcha Love is one of several products from Ito En, a Japanese company with a variety of green tea products. You may have come across its unsweetened green tea bottles at grocery stores before. It also has an energy drink, Matcha Love, which is available in a small white and green can.

The unsweetened version of the Matcha Love drink comes in a can that's 5.2 ounces and has about 28 milligrams of caffeine. You can get just slightly more caffeine in the sweetened version of the same size, which contains around 29 milligrams.

Matcha Love's beneficial properties can vary depending on the quality of the tea. Ito En claims the matcha used in these drinks is premium and imported from Japan. Ito En says that Matcha Love "contains approximately [six] times more Catechin Tea Antioxidants than the average ready-to-drink green tea," citing the USDA Database for the Flavonoid Content of Selected Foods.

This beverage is available at Amazon, Walmart, Publix, and Wegmans.


Neurosonic can be purchased on Amazon or at Walmart. It is one of many neuro drinks. Each drink is made to help the user with a specific area of their lifestyle. The neurosonic drink claims that consumers will have their "energy refreshed" upon sipping. Its website also advertises drinks like neurosleep for better rest and neurobliss for reduced stress.

The company's neurosonic drink contains 35 calories per serving. In this case, that serving size is one 14.5 ounce bottle. There are 9 grams of sugar in each drink. However, you can get the entire recommended daily dose of Vitamins D, B6, and B12 from drinking just one of these bottles.

With neurosonic and many other energy drinks, you're likely to be met with the ingredient L-Theanine. This nutrient is the most common form of Theanine, an amino acid. L-Theanine is primarily added to focus and energy-enhancing drinks because it is believed to improve brain function. Other possible benefits include anxiety and stress relief, immunity, and blood pressure regulation.

Alani Nu Energy

Alani Nu is a wellness and fitness brand that peddles an assortment of products including an energy drink line. Alani Nu Energy is one of many newer, healthier energy drinks disrupting the industry. There are 15 or fewer calories and 0 grams of sugar per 12-oune can of Alani Nu Energy, which is available in a dozen flavors including Hawaiian Shaved Ice and Watermelon Wave. Not only is the drink low in the bad stuff, it's high in the good stuff, such as health-boosting vitamins like B6 and B12 and minerals like potassium. As for the energy portion of the drink, there are 200 milligrams of caffeine in each can, which is the equivalent of drinking about two cups of coffee.

Alani Nu Energy is available at Amazon, as well as grocery stores like Target, Walmart, and Kroger. Since those chains alone have so many locations throughout the country, finding this drink shouldn't be too hard. 

Sambazon Low Calorie Amazon Energy

Sambazon is a company built around the power of açaí, those purple-colored berries commonly found in smoothie bowls. The brand's name takes inspiration from the Amazon rainforest, where these famous berries grow on açaí palm trees. The health hype comes from the fact that the berries are full of calcium, fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Sambazon's caffeine comes from multiple sources, including yerba mate, green tea, and guarana. Combined, this amounts to 120 milligrams of caffeine per 12-ounce can.

Since the nutritional stats for the standard version is a mixed bag, we suggest sticking with the Low Calorie Sambazon Amazon Energy Drink with 35 calories, 17 grams of carbohydrates, and six grams of sugar in each can. You'll also receive 310% of your daily serving of vitamin C. Of course, each drink is also made with açaí juice, so it's suggested that you'll also enjoy the benefits of those berries as well.


FocusAid is an energy drink from the LifeAid beverage company. It is one of several such products that are functional beverages made to help with different health concerns, such as FitAid for workout recovery, ImmunityAid for preventing sickness, PartyAid for hangovers, and LifeAid Hemp for feeling calm. But FocusAid, which is available in Watermelon Mint and Melon Mate flavors, is its functional beverage aimed at improving both mental and physical energy.

The brand claims that drinking FocusAid will boost your energy through its blend of nootropics, B vitamins, and caffeine. Each can contains 100 milligrams of caffeine via a combo of green tea extract and yerba mate. The addition of B-complex vitamins can help fuel several of the body's different biological processes. The drink also contains acetyl-L-carnitine, gaba, and alpha-GPC. These three components are sometimes used as nootropics supplements for the improvement of brain function.  

A 12-ounce can of FocusAid will set you back 40 calories and 7 grams of sugar. You can also opt for FocusAid Zero, which only contains 5 calories and zero grams of sugar per can. You can buy FocusAid at Amazon, as well as grocery stores such as Whole Foods, Walmart, and Safeway.

C4 Energy

Fitness megabrand C4 offers a wide variety of beverage options, but its flagship C4 Energy is the company's best seller. Available in fun flavors such as Cotton Candy and Frozen Bombsicle, it contains zero calories, zero grams of sugar, and zero carbohydrates. Even better, it's packed with 190% of the daily recommended dose of niacin, a B vitamin that helps you convert food into energy, and 250% of the daily recommended dose of vitamin B12, which is beneficial for various bodily functions. To top it all off, C4 Energy contains 200 milligrams of caffeine per 16-ounce can.

As a carbonated beverage, drinking C4 Energy could come with some negative side effects — ones that wouldn't occur with non-carbonated energy drinks — such as teeth erosion, loss of bone density, or increased acid reflux. But in moderation, this could be the healthy energy drink that's right for you. 


If you're looking for an energy drink that contains zero calories, sugars, and carbohydrates, consider Aspire. According to the brand, these drinks offer multiple health benefits, including ones that aren't provided by more generic energy drinks. These beverages contain naturally occurring caffeine (provided by guarana and green tea), meant to prevent crashing. There's calorie burning boosts, also provided by components in green tea and guarana. Aspire is even diabetes-friendly, as the beverages are sweetened with sucralose, which doesn't affect blood sugar levels. 

You'll be treated to 70% of the daily dose of niacin, vitamin C, and vitamin B12, plus 200% of your B6 serving in each 12-ounce can. Also, there's exposure to calcium, biotin, and even more nutrients, in smaller amounts. And it doesn't even end there. All flavors are vegan, kosher, gluten-free, soy-free, and non-GMO. You can find these healthy energy drinks at Amazon, Walmart, Sam's Club, or Rite Aid.


Oca is relatively new to the beverage scene, but it's already making big waves with its carbonated, plant-based energy drinks. Brands in this space tend to highlight a specific ingredient to set themselves apart from the competition, and Oca is no exception, focusing on the addition of tapioca. You may have come across tapioca in pudding or the chewy bubbles at the bottom of your boba tea, but in its original form, it is a complex carbohydrate found in the cassava root plant. Oca claims that tapioca provides a more natural source of energy compared to other drinks. Instead of creating a burst of energy followed by a crash, Oca is hoping that its tapioca-powered beverages give you long-lasting, steady power. There are 120 milligrams of natural caffeine (courtesy of the cassava root extract) in every can. Oca is available in four flavors, with each containing 60 calories, 9 grams of sugar, and 15 milligrams of sodium. 

The company announced in November 2021 that it partnered with grocery behemoth Kroger, which has over 2,000 locations across the country. Oca is also available at Amazon, as well as chains such as Albertsons, Randalls, and Grocery Outlet.  


Heywell is a brand focused on adaptogens, which are nutrients that may assist one's body with adapting to daily stressors, whatever they may be. The nutrients used as adaptogens in these drinks include ashwagandha, l-theanine, lemon balm, and alma berry. While its beverage line isn't exclusive to energy drinks, it offers two different options if you're looking for a boost. Heywell's energy + focus is a strawberry and lemon-flavored drink that is designed to help you power up. It contains 75 milligrams of caffeine, as well as the adaptogens schisandra (a berry said to help with de-stressing and energy boosts), L-theanine (a compound from green tea that helps with concentration), and ashwagandha (an herb used to target occasional stress), according to Heywell. The caffeine comes from green coffee beans, which are essentially unroasted coffee beans known for their health benefits. Each can contains only 10 calories, 1 gram of sugar, and 7 grams of carbohydrates. 

The energy + immunity drink (which comes in a grapefruit flavor) is similar, with 75 milligrams of caffeine, a handful of adaptogens, and a nutritional label not far from that of the energy + focus drink. You can find Heywell's drinks at Amazon, Target, and other grocery stores.

V8 Energy

You may already be familiar with V8, the sweet and savory juice blend that is currently under Campbell's umbrella. While the original is made with seven different vegetables (plus tomato), this energy drink spinoff is more fruit-focused with flavors such as orange pineapple, strawberry kiwi, and black cherry.

Nutritional information for V8 +Energy will vary. Strawberry kiwi contains 50 calories, 60 milligrams of sodium, 12 grams of carbohydrates, and 10 grams of sugar, per 11.5-ounce can. That's not nothing, especially compared to other healthy energy drinks with all zeros on the backs of its cans. But V8 +Energy makes up for that with a plant-powered ingredients list full of foods you'll recognize (and be able to pronounce), along with 80 milligrams of caffeine per serving. Most flavors, including lemon lime, will also provide some of your daily recommended servings of vitamins. You can find V8 +Energy drinks at Amazon, Kroger, Target, Walmart, and Safeway.


Riot launched out of Southern California in 2016 and has been developing its health-focused energy drinks ever since. The brand prides itself on producing sugar-free and fully plant-based beverages — that doesn't sound half-bad! 

Currently, there is a limited selection of fruit flavors: you can choose from citrus-lime, berry, cherry watermelon, or mango. Each 16-ounce can contains 160 milligrams of caffeine. While the nutritional facts vary by flavor you can expect a maximum of 70 calories, 16 grams of carbohydrates, and 14 grams of sugar per can. You'll also get 200% of your daily recommended serving of vitamin B12 for the day, 100 milligrams of the amino acid L-theanine, adaptogens, as well as some potassium.

Riot energy is available at Amazon, as well as chains such as Whole Foods and Ralphs, but if you're looking to purchase a can, we recommend using the brand's store locator to track down which retailers carry it. 


Reign is another healthy energy drink company focused on fitness. The brand emphasizes its impressive roster of ambassadors includes World's Strongest Man competition winner Hafthor Björnsson and MMA superstar Cris Cyborg. But behind this common marketing scheme, Reign offers a powerful drink that contains a lot of caffeine, as well as other ingredients that gym-goers may be seeking for their workout fuel.

Cans of Reign, such as the Melon Mania flavor, typically contain around 300 milligrams of caffeine. That caffeine comes from green coffee beans. There are also 10 calories, 200 milligrams of sodium, and 3 grams of carbohydrates in each can. Although the amount of sodium may alarm you, Reign makes up for it with the drink's servings of potassium, niacin, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.

But that's not all that Reign promises in each can. Others additions include health-boosting nutrients like BCAA's to help preserve and fuel muscles, COQ10 for organ function, and electrolytes to aid in hydration. You can purchase Reign energy drinks at Amazon, Target, Walmart, and Safeway.

Bai Boost

Aside from Bai's flavored bottled waters, it also has a line of energy drinks called Bai Boost. Like its "WonderWater", Bai Boost lets you experience exotic international flavors. It comes in three options: Buka Black Raspberry, Cartago Pineapple Passion Fruit, and Watamu Watermelon Strawberry. 

Along with being quench-worthy, each is infused with tea and coffee fruit extracts, which provide polyphenols — plant compounds that benefit heart health, brain function, digestion, and other essential bodily functions. They have just 10 calories and are sweetened with stevia and 1 gram of sugar rather than artificial sweeteners. Bai Boost mostly contains similar ingredients as the regular line, like antioxidants and vitamin C, but with an upgrade: 110 milligrams of caffeine, which is about the same as a cup of coffee. You can say "bai bai" to the midday lull. Bai beverages, including Bai Boost, are widely available throughout the U.S. and on Amazon.


Words like sleek and stylish aren't often used to describe a carbonated water beverage, but when it comes to Gorgie, there's nothing more fashionable or flavorful. Initially made for fitness fanatics, Gorgie has grown into the perfect anytime-energy booster. The woman-led and centric brand ups the ante by including healthy ingredients like L-theanine, an amino acid known to enhance focus and relieve stress, biotin, which stimulates hair and nail growth, and B6 and B12 vitamins, beneficial for mood regulation and anemia prevention, respectively. And, of course, it wouldn't be an energy drink without a punchy dose of 150 milligrams of caffeine.

Gorgie has 0 grams of sugar and only 5 calories, too. The mindful inclusion of these specific nutrients speaks to the brand's women-first ethos. Vitamins B6 and B12 are essential for women of all ages, and studies show around ⅓ of all pregnant women are deficient in biotin. Healthy perks aside, there are six sparkling water flavors to enjoy: Mango Burst, Tropical Punch, Watermelon Splash, Electric Berry, Citrus Burst, and Peach Tea. You can find Gorgie IRL (in real life) at most major grocery chains and online, including on Amazon.

GT's Alive Ancient Mushroom Elixir

GT's Living Foods is known for its flavored raw kombuchas, but did you know it makes healthy energy drinks, too? The brand's Alive Ancient Mushroom Elixir is a nutritious pep-in-your-step. It's a line of all-organic teas that deliver clean, jitter-free energy bolstered by raw apple cider vinegar, dark amber maple, erythritol (an artificial sweetener), stevia, and three adaptogenic mushrooms (reishi, chaga, and turkey tail). Adaptogens are naturally-grown plants and herbs that are believed to help alleviate stress. Reishi, chaga, and turkey tail fungi varieties, referred to as "functional mushrooms," have medicinal properties that combat illness and assist mental clarity. 

In other words, a bottle cap is all that stands between you and stress-free energy. Drinking one of these will make you feel more alive. Choose from five fungi-infused flavors: matcha cream soda, ginger turmeric, and new spins on classics like root beer, cola, and lemon lime. Some Reddit users say the root beer has a traditional sassafras taste with interesting herbal undertones, a touch of cider spice, and a clean, refreshing sip. GT's Alive Ancient Mushroom Elixirs are nothing like what you expect but everything you want from a healthy energy drink.


Odyssey claims to be the first mushroom-infused sparkling water energy drink. Whether true or not, one thing's for sure: It's one of the healthiest energy drink brands on store shelves. Odyssey's beverages include a nutritious infusion of Lion's Mane and cordyceps, two fungi varieties that offer a host of benefits, ranging from improved brain function and stress relief to reduced aging and fighting cancerous growth. Each Odyssey Elixir can contains 2,750 milligrams of Lion's Mane and cordyceps extracts, 85 milligrams of the focus-enhancing and stress-relieving L-theanine, and 100 milligrams of panax ginseng, an energizing root that regulates blood sugar and reduces stress.

Don't worry about bouncing off the walls, though; there are just 85 milligrams of caffeine in this energy drink, which it gets from green tea extract. That's less than most energy drinks. The brand, however, has a line called Odyssey 222 for those in need of a serious boost, as it has a whopping 222 milligrams of caffeine. Odyssey Elixir is available in four flavors: dragon fruit lemonade, blackberry lemon twist, passion fruit orange/guava, and orange ginger. Its 222 line offers other flavor options with pineapple mango, strawberry watermelon, blue raspberry, and cherry lime. Luckily, you don't have to search far and wide to experience this holistic energy enhancer. Odyssey can be found at Amazon and most major supermarkets.


The name of this next healthy energy drink perfectly encapsulates the experience of enjoying one. HappyPop is a functional, adaptogenic beverage that's sure to put you in an animated mood. It's made by the same folks behind Koia, the popular plant-based protein shake brand, and like it, is mindfully crafted with clean, quality ingredients. HappyPop's colorful emoji-themed design is a vibrant introduction to the energetic reset that awaits.

Energy drinks can be over-caffeinated sometimes, but HappyPop delivers a slump-free boost that doesn't make you skittish or suddenly crash. It is made with real fruit juice, 100% Recommended Daily Allowance vitamins D3 and C, apple cider vinegar, and two unique plant-based ingredients that help improve focus and lower stress: 100 milligrams of organic green bean coffee and adaptogen mucuna pruriens (dopabean), a powerful bioactive ingredient known to enhance dopamine levels. Choose between fizzy yet affordable flavors ginger spice, Rainbow Drip (a tropical fruit blend), and Tangerine Dream. The one caveat is that HappyPop is available at Amazon and Erewhon.

Grass & Co. Nootropic Drinks

Whether you're looking for power, focus, or relaxation, Grass & Co.'s line of functional nootropic beverages has you covered. Nootropics are widely known as natural and/or synthetic cognitive enhancers. Grass & Co. combines the brain-boosting power of nootropics with the mood-stimulating benefits of adaptogens. Pull the tab on a can filled with real fruit juice, minimal sugar, 1,000 whopping milligrams of mushroom extract, antioxidant-rich ginseng, omega-3 for healthy body function, and vitamins B12 and D.

And that's only a taste of what Grass & Co. offers; each flavor includes unique ingredients. Liquid Focus is an elderberry and lemon drink with lion's mane, panax ginseng, and vitamins K2 and D3. Liquid Power has a ginger and lime flavor fortified with shiitake extract, holy basil juice, guarana seed extract, and natural caffeine coffee extract. And, lastly, Liquid Relax stands apart with magnesium oxide, a supplement that treats headaches, reishi and ashwagandha extract, and B-blend vitamins.

Along with a healthy dosage of energy, customer reviews say that Grass & Co.'s functional beverages have a clean, refreshing taste and are delicious. Purchase them online, at Whole Foods, and popular U.K. retailers like Sainsbury's and Holland & Barrett. 

Myvegan protein water

This sparkling energy drink will leave you sparkling with vitality. Created by the world's leading online sports brand, Myprotein, Myvegan is an extension of the company focusing on healthy, plant-based nutrition. Its vegan protein water not only invigorates, but it's the perfect pre-workout beverage with 6 grams of protein, 83 milligrams of caffeine (equal to a cup of coffee), B vitamins, zero fat and sugar, and real fruit juice. While you have to read the label twice before buying many flavored waters, Myvegan's protein water is one of the more nutritious options.

It's a unique functional beverage that, unlike others, supports muscle maintenance, growth, and development. Partake in two classic flavors, lemon lime and mixed berry, which are sweet, fruity, fizzy, and best served chilled. They are intended to be paired with your workout routine but can be enjoyed whenever you prefer. Currently, Myvegan protein water is only available online.


Marquis was inspired by a desire to find healthier alternatives to the average sugary, artificially flavored, low-quality caffeinated beverages on the market. It's an elevated cocktail of natural ingredients consisting of essential B vitamins, more vitamin C than an orange, antioxidants, 100 milligrams of caffeine, and zero sugar, calories, and carbs. You'll be hard-pressed to find a cleaner, healthier energy drink on store shelves, and what's more, Marquis invests 1% of its revenue into combating climate change.

Popular beverage brands Red Bull, which has 27 grams of sugar; Celsius, which has caramel color and phosphoric acid; and Coca-Cola, all contain less healthy ingredients than Marquis, which provides just enough milligrams of caffeine to keep you going throughout the day. In other words, you can enjoy a quality boost without jitters or crashes. The brand makes six subtly fruity flavors: lemon lavender, pineapple passion, lychee peach, super berry, citrus yuzu, and mango ginger. Get your clean energy boost at Amazon and various retailers throughout California (including Erewhon, 7-Eleven, and Target), New York, and Philadelphia.


The energy drinks were selected based on the type and quality of the ingredients used and compared to popular energy drinks and similar nutritious ones. We watched out for red flags like added sugars, concerning additives, and artificial sweeteners. We also took into consideration customer reviews that provided insight into the taste, effects, and effects of the caffeine.
