If You Missed Jeni's Everything Bagel Ice Cream, Now's Your Chance To Try It

Everything bagel seasoning isn't just for bagels anymore. Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams made that pretty clear back in 2021, when it first introduced its one-of-a-kind ice cream flavor to the world. As a surprise to no one, Jeni's Everything Bagel Ice Cream was met with polarizing feedback, from customers describing it as "strangely exactly perfect" to others saying it was an "abject horror." And the more divided the public opinion became, it seemed the more people were eager to try it. But unfortunately, if you weren't able to get your hands on a pint during its original limited time run, the taste of the controversial flavor was left to the imagination — at least that was the case until recently.

Jeni's announced on its website that it is officially bringing back Everything Bagel Ice Cream on March 21. It'll be available for a limited time while supplies last at Jeni's scoop shops across the country and can also be ordered through the brand's website. To secure your pint, enter your email and zip code on the product page to get notified of its immediate availability.

What does Jeni's Everything Bagel Ice Cream taste like?

It's no secret that Jeni's Everything Bagel Ice Cream isn't for everyone, but if you like salty sweet combos, chances are you'll at least find the flavor interesting enough to try. According to a review from The Kitchn, once you get past the idea of onion and garlic belonging in an ice cream, it actually does satisfy your dessert craving because garlic naturally has sweet notes that work well in ice cream.

As the product label states, Everything Bagel Ice Cream consists of a cream cheese base with "everything bagel gravel," but that so-called gravel is probably not what you'd imagine. According to Jeni's description, it's not the normal everything bagel seasoning that goes on a bagel, but rather a "buttery streusel," aka the sweet crumbles that go on top of coffee cake or apple pie. Jeni's streusel is seasoned with onions, garlic, cayenne, sesame, and poppy seeds, making for a balanced sweet and savory combo. Whether it belongs in ice cream is up to you, but you can't know for sure unless you try it.
