Can You Still Buy Yogos?

If you ever shopped the snackfood aisle in the early 2000s, there's a pretty good chance you came across Yogos at least once. When the yogurt-covered fruit snacks were first introduced by Kellogg's in 2005, they were apparently all the rage, and even spurred on different variations, including Yogos Bits and Yogos Sour Bits, BabbleTop reports. But despite their popularity, Yogos only stayed on the market for a total of five years before being discontinued.

Given that Kellogg's reported strong Yogos sales in 2006 and 2007, it's unlikely that they were pulled due to lack of customers. Instead, as a 2010 article from The New York Times suggests, it may have had something to do with the fact that Kellogg's nutritional standards at the time were being heavily scrutinized by several federal agencies amid the obesity epidemic. The Times specifically called attention to the fact that the primary ingredient in Yogos was sugar. When the news outlet questioned the company about their marketing of candies, Celeste A. Clark, who was the senior vice president for global nutrition at Kellogg at that time, replied, "We believe that with balance and moderation all foods can have a place in the diet." 

But it seems Kellogg's eventually caved to the pressure.

Kellogg's confirmed Yogos won't be coming back

Though Yogos have remained popular enough to inspire thousands of customers to sign a petition to bring them back, Kellogg's hasn't exactly been as enthusiastic about it. In a 2016 tweet responding to a comment about the product, Kellogg's only said, "So nice to hear you were a Yogos Bits fan! Thanks for letting us know you'd like to see them back on store shelves!" Two years later, Kellogg's was still shutting down the hopes of a comeback, confirming in another tweet that the company had no current plans to produce them. Of course, you never know — another beloved Kellogg's product, Froot Loops Cereal Straws, was brought back in 2021.

For now if you're craving Yogos, you'll just have to settle for a similar version produced by Welch's called Fruit 'n Yogurt Snacks. Welch's boasts that the product contains real fruit, no artificial flavors, and is fortified with vitamins, so it isn't as candy-like as Yogos were, but at least you know it won't succumb to the same fate of being labeled as too unhealthy for kids.
