What You Can Do To Fix Overly Acidic Coffee

It's always important to start your morning off on the right foot. For many Americans that begins with a steaming hot cup of coffee. According to the National Coffee Association, more than 60% of Americans need their daily java. Unfortunately, over 15 million Americans also experience daily bouts of heartburn (via NIH Medline Plus Magazine) that might make it hard to enjoy a cup of the acidic brew.


Acidity is measured using pH balance. It is a scale that runs from zero to 14, with zero being the most acidic and 14 being the least or basic (via Very Well Health). According to Livestrong, coffee usually ranks around a five which means that while it isn't the most acidic drink out there, it still may still disturb more sensitive digestive systems. There are many factors at play that can influence this acidity. The easiest fix to this is to buy a low acid coffee (via Homegrounds). There are plenty of options out there for those who want an easy fix, but choices from roast to brew method will still push and pull coffee's acidity in different directions. Homegrounds notes that it's best to avoid most light roasts, try cold brewing your coffee, or explore different additives that may lower the acidity.


Adding baking soda lowers coffee's acidity

If you're someone who has a sensitive stomach or just ate too much spicy food last night, but you still want to enjoy your coffee without compromising flavor, then baking soda may help. Livestrong recommends it because it because baking soda is a natural alkaline and a frequent ingredient in antacids that will neutralize some of the acidity without impacting flavor. The site states that just a sprinkle in your coffee will do the trick. Homegrounds notes that salt is another additive that may neutralize acidity and bitterness without affecting the flavor.


Livestrong notes that while milk or cream may also help, most dairy products are still considered acidic because their pH balance ranks just below a neutral seven. Almond milk will actually neutralize acidity better because, like most non-dairy milks, it is considered an alkaline, placing them on the other side of the pH scale. Any milk can also adjust the flavor of coffee and, while that might be preferred by some, if you're used to enjoying your coffee black then this probably is not your best option.

A tip for the more adventurous to try is Minnesota egg coffee. Adding a whole egg in with your coffee grounds supposedly renders the resulting brew with a beautiful amber color with next to no acidity or bitterness (via Eater).


If you want to reduce acidity without compromising your morning cup of coffee, try out one of these methods to possibly reduce your heartburn.

