The Haas Avocado Market Is Booming. Here's Why

Hass avocados were the result of a happy accident. In 1926, California mail carrier Rudolph Hass purchased what he thought were seedlings to Lyon avocados to make a two-acre grove, writes the avocado grower site, AvoSeedo. However, the person he purchased from wasn't exactly above board, procuring the avocado seeds from the trash bins of local restaurants. When Hass' avocado trees bore fruit, one tree stood out from the rest for its dark pitted skin and, upon consumption, a richer flavor. The fruit was favored by his family so Hass patented the tree.

According to AvoSeedo, the Hass tree's ability to produce a copious amount of fruit year round that had a better flavor because of its higher oil content, made the Hass avocado the most popular avocado in the world. Around 80% of the avocados eaten worldwide are the Hass variety, states the California Avocado Commission.

Business Wire reports that after a pre-pandemic dip in avocado sales, the popularity of the green fruit rebounded and global demand exploded to record highs. This is partly due to their expansion into the European market, where Hass avocados are in demand because of their ripening ability. They are also considered a ready-to-eat food, making them popular grab-and-go items particularly in northern Europe. The CBI Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that there is still room for European growth because of the fruit's health benefits.

Why the Hass avocado market is booming

Business Wire also attributes the Hass boom to a renewed interest in healthy eating during the pandemic. Avocados are a nutrient bomb, feeding your body with not only folate and potassium, but also B and C vitamins as well as the fat soluble A, D, E, and K. The natural fats in the avocado aids with the absorption of those vitamins (via Cedars Sinai). 

As CNN explains, avocados offer more potassium than a banana, important for regulating heart beat and blood pressure (via Harvard Health Publishing). The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in avocados lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol without impacting high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, also important for heart health as well as for regulating blood glucose (via SF Gate). A high fiber food, avocados can help prevent cancers like colon while also lowering blood sugar and cholesterol (via Cedars Sinai).

As if you needed another reason to eat avocados, the tasty fruit is filled with culinary possibilities. You can eat it straight out of the skin, brighten a healthy grain bowl or, of course, make a rich and delicious toast spread. Avocados can also form the basis of this creamy, herby frozen margarita recipe.
