Why The Egg Protein Industry Is Set To Boom Over The Next Decade

Eggs have been a staple in our diets for years and have become a classic ingredient for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Besides taste and availability, they're also a favorite thanks to their nutritional value and high levels of protein (via Healthline). Harnessing the protein-dense power of the egg, many brands have introduced strains of isolated egg proteins into a variety of products, which has now led to a major market boom.

Currently, Future Marketing Insights reports that the global egg protein market is valued at over $8 billion, but is expected to reach $16 billion in the next 10 years, with an annual compound growth rate of 6.7%. But, what is the reason behind this surge in the market?

Derived from egg whites, yolks, or both, Science Direct explains that these proteins can have cosmetic and medical uses, but are most commonly used as emulsifiers, preservatives, and agents for thickening, leavening, and binding of processed foods. However, egg proteins have also become increasingly popular as dietary supplements.

A healthier, more effective source of protein

A recent press release explained that consumer demand for foods that can improve health and immunity, coupled with the desire for low-fat and low-cholesterol alternatives, is accelerating the growth of the egg protein market. Given that in the past there was some apprehension towards egg consumption due to reports of high cholesterol and fat content (via Futurity), egg proteins instead offer a unique solution for health-conscious consumers.

Since eggs contain several amino acids that help the body to build muscle, it comes as no surprise that the sports nutrition segment is leading the application of egg proteins by 25%, notes Future Marketing Insights. Working as a functional ingredient in sports supplements, these proteins are expected to be a mainstay in protein powders, which are also expected to increase in interest in the coming years based on this consumer attention to wellness.

Presently, Transparency Market Research notes that the main players in the egg protein powder market include brands like Cargill Inc., Kewpie Corporation, and Davisco Food International. Many applications of the protein-powder will continue as functional additives to improve the quality of processed foodstuffs ranging from bakery goods to meat products and more, seeing as there's also consumer demand for convenience foods, reports USDA.
