The Simple Way To Butterfly A Chicken Breast

Chicken may not be the cheapest meat at the grocery store right now, but grabbing a package of chicken still makes a great meal option. Whether you're showing off for a dinner party, or need a quick weeknight supper for the family, chicken breasts are a great protein option. The breast is low in fat, high in protein, and relatively easy to cook with (via Healthline).

One common issue with chicken breasts: they have an uneven shape. According to Eat This, Not That!, chicken breasts can sometimes measure up to two inches thick on one end, and often have a teardrop shape that can be uneve. This can lead to overcooked or undercooked sections of meat, and can be difficult to avoid. It can be dangerous to consume undercooked meat, and even though one end of the breast is cooked through, the other side may need more time. There are a few different ways out there to avoid this, but one of the easiest, and quickest is to "butterfly" the chicken breast.

Butterflying is quick and easy

"Butterflying" a chicken breast is an easy way to turn its uneven shape into something more consistent. According to the BBC, giving your breast a quick cut allows it to cook more quickly and evenly. It's similar to the way that whole chickens are spatchcocked and flattened. That extra surface area gives more room for the meat to crisp up, and the more even density lets every part of the meat finish at the same time.

As per Eat This, Not That!, here is how you butterfly a chicken breast: press down on the meat with one hand while cutting down the long side. Be sure to start at the thicker end to make sure that it is cut evenly throughout. Cut the whole way through the breast to have two separate pieces of meat, or stop with about a half inch left and open the breast. The latter method should resemble the wings of a butterfly — hence the name. If you want to go a step further, you can also pound the meat with a mallet or rolling pin to prevent your chicken from being raw inside. and to further even out the meat's density (via Taste of Home). After that, you can throw it in the oven, on the grill, or in a skillet–there are so many different ways to cook chicken!
