Can You Refrigerate Sweet Potatoes?

Sweet potatoes are not only versatile and delicious, but they're nutritious, too. One cup of baked sweet potato contains 6.6 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, and almost no fat. Sweet potatoes are good sources of vitamins A, C, and B6, as well as potassium and manganese. The uses for sweet potatoes are countless; they're delicious when made as a savory side, like these Hasselback sweet potatoes with maple syrup, red pepper flakes, and fresh sage — or our decadent sweet potato casserole with bacon.

You may also find sweet potatoes in your dessert course, like the classic sweet potato pie or spiced sweet potato bread. But, how should you store your sweet potatoes before you put them to work in a recipe? Many fruits and vegetables last longer in the refrigerator, but we know regular potatoes aren't something that should be stored in the refrigerator. Is the same true for sweet potatoes?

Store sweet potatoes in a cool, dry place

You shouldn't store sweet potatoes in the refrigerator, as they can develop an off flavor as well as a hard, dense center, according to North Carolina Sweet Potatoes. Refrigerated sweet potatoes can end up "hard in the center with white spots," as  Southern Living points out. Since nobody wants funky-tasting, rock-hard sweet potatoes, how should you store them for the best results?

Rather than refrigerating your sweet spuds, store them in a cool, dry place that's properly ventilated. A basement can be ideal for sweet potato storage, and if stored properly, sweet potatoes should keep well for about two weeks. Another option is on the countertop or in a cabinet away from sunlight. A basket is a great way to corral your sweet potatoes while still giving them adequate ventilation. The United States Sweet Potato Council agrees that all of the hundreds of varieties of sweet potatoes are best stored outside the refrigerator. Baked, boiled, mashed, or honey roasted, your sweet potatoes will perform best if you refrain from refrigerating them.
