Lacto-Fermented Foods Vs Fermented: Is There A Difference?
When we talk about a large number of fermented foods as diverse as kosher pickles, kimchee, and yogurt, the term "lacto-fermentation" is often mentioned.
Read MoreWhen we talk about a large number of fermented foods as diverse as kosher pickles, kimchee, and yogurt, the term "lacto-fermentation" is often mentioned.
Read MoreAs these rare beauties grow in popularity, it's the perfect time to do a breakdown of Bolivian tree tomatoes and ways to incorporate them into everyday life.
Read MoreEveryone has heard of pancakes, but depending on where in the U.S. you are from, you may have also heard of Johnny cakes and hoecakes. Is there any difference?
Read MoreThere is a lot more complexity to the world of chocolate than simply milk, dark, and white varieties. Couverture and compound chocolate are both a step up.
Read MoreWith so many different ways to prepare eggs, it's hard to choose a favorite or the most suitable style. Well, why not have it based on your zodiac sign?
Read MoreSquares of dimply, crisp-topped focaccia make delightful bites for lunches, sandwiches, and snacks. We look at what makes this spongy Italian bread so special.
Read MoreThe Jewish holiday of Passover is fast approaching on April 22, and many people are assembling their seder meals on a budget. So, is rice kosher for Passover?
Read MoreNigiri and onigiri are both Japanese foods that prominently feature rice, and they even have similar sounding names, but they differ strongly in other ways.
Read MoreJell-O is delightful in its standard, jiggly-wiggly state. But when it gets thrown into the freezer a change takes place and all bets are off.
Read MoreIt may seem obvious that a spicy dish won't go well with coffee, but there are times when you find yourself downing a spicy breakfast sandwich. Then what?
Read MoreBoth vichyssoise and gazpacho are soups which are served cold, but that's about where the similarities end. We compare the two iconic chilled soups.
Read MoreMovie theater popcorn has an almost inimitable quality. Maybe you won't believe it's not butter that makes the snack stand out, but salt plays a major role.
Read MoreIn a country with some of the best cheese in the world, Formai de Mut stands out. We interview an expert to learn about this amazing Italian cheese.
Read MoreWhen a recipe says to cream together sugar and room-temperature butter, it might be natural to assume that melted butter would work too, but that isn't true.
Read MoreImagine that two cakes are set on the table. One is chiffon cake, the other is angel food. If asked to point out which is which, you may say they're the same.
Read MoreTurkey isn't just for Thanksgiving and smoked turkey isn't just for sandwiches. Turkey is at home on the menu at Texas barbecue joints year-round.
Read MoreMaking homemade tomato sauce is a delicious but messy experience, as most home cooks know. Find out why tomato sauce in particular is prone to splattering.
Read MoreWe delve into the hot debate between East and West Coasters about which side of the country has the best sushi, and drill down to see if there is a difference.
Read MoreWe may think of French toast as the ideal dish for a decadent brunch, but in 19th century Quebec, golden bread fueled the timber industry.
Read MoreCelery's celery, right? Well, wrong, actually. There are two quite distinct varieties of the bitter stalks, and they're used in recipes quite differently, too.
Read MoreWhen you are perusing the choices at your local seafood spot, here are some things about the differences of the colors of shrimp to keep in mind.
Read MoreThere are many more types of tomatoes out there than you might expect, and not all of them are particularly well-suited to slicing and dicing.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered how the little slips of paper get inside fortune cookies? They aren't baked into the dough or carefully maneuvered inside after shaping.
Read MoreDark chocolate is more bitter and less sugary than the milk and white varieties, so, according to an expert, pairing it with a sweeter dessert wine is best!
Read MoreWhile there may not be a hard line between kidney beans and red beans when it comes to many recipes, it's important to be familiar with both of them.
Read MoreYou may have looked at pots de creme and mistook them for chocolate mousse in the past. These two French desserts have much in common but also key differences.
Read MoreDespite their similarities, Hawaiian shaved ice and Italian ice are two different desserts with unique recipes and origins. Here are the differences, explained.
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