Four-Ingredient Glaze For Sweet-And-Tangy Meatballs

Trade in brown sugar and ketchup for lime juice and tamarind

The heart wants what the heart wants, and we shamelessly love brown sugar-and-ketchup meat loaf glaze. We're such puppy dogs for it that we decided to give it a tangy upgrade, lacing it with tamarind and lime juices. The acidity of the Southeast Asian flavors does wonders to meatballs, or just about any protein.

Here's what we did with it: In a 10-inch skillet over medium-high heat, combine ½ cup of fresh lime juice, ½ cup of brown sugar, ½ cup of tamarind juice and ¼ cup of ketchup. Bring to a boil and cook down to a loose sauce, about 5 minutes. Add ten 1½-inch meatballs, reduce the heat to a simmer and cook until the meatballs are glazed and hot all the way through, 4 to 6 minutes.

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