Video: How To Make Summer Rolls With Shrimp And Peaches

Fresh shrimp-and-peach-packed summer rolls

When dreaming up the summeriest summer roll possible, we decided to omit the typical heavy dipping sauces and cumbersome ingredients, like meat that requires slaving over a hot stove. Because, honestly, who wants to turn that thing on on a 90-degree day? Not us. These summer rolls are just what the doctor ordered: refreshingly and conveniently no-cook (see the recipe).


We cure the shrimp in an acidic lime juice-sesame oil marinade. Then we soak and stuff rice paper wrappers full of crispy-cool julienned vegetables, sweet summer peaches and bundles of fresh herbs. For a light alternative to the usually dense peanut sauce, we serve a bright and spicy dip laced with fish sauce on the side. But don't worry, you'll still find delicious chopped peanuts tucked into the summer rolls among fresh vegetables for that satisfying crunch.

Get more summer roll recipes:
- Summer Rolls with Easy Peanut Dipping Sauce
- Chicken Summer Rolls
- Cucumber-Avocado Summer Rolls

