Chefs & Celebrities Respond To Anthony Bourdain Death

News, stories and reactions from the past week

In the week since Anthony Bourdain's tragic death, his friends and, fans have joined chefs and celebrities in pouring forth with words and photos in commemoration.


• This opinion piece in The Washington Post about "why Iranians love Bourdain."

CNN collected stories from readers about what Bourdain meant to them.

• Netflix announced that it would keep Parts Unknown available to stream.

• "Anthony Bourdain was the best white man," Mallika Rao wrote for Vulture.

The New York Times on what he meant to people of color.


• "Rest in Power," world-famous chef Alex Atala said.

• In a new podcast episode, David Chang opened up about mental health issues and the stigma of it all.

• As did The Splendid Table, during which former host Lynne Rossetto Kasper joined current host Francis Lam for the special.

• Andrew Zimmern wore a pair of Bourdain's boots to honor him, saying, "My heart is heavy."

• Noma's René Redzepi posted a 2011 picture of an absolute power table.

• Jason Wang of Xi'an Famous Foods posted a touching memorial to Instagram—and then the restaurant went on to raise more than $73,000 for suicide prevention.

• Eddie Huang, Baohaus chef and Fresh off the Boat creator, wrote about his friendship with Bourdain in Rolling Stone.

• Dominique Ansel called him "an incredible mind who opened up the entire world to us through food."


• Anderson Cooper's tribute video will make you cry.

• Jada Pinkett Smith spoke out about how important it is to pay attention to mental health matters.

• David Simon, creator of The Wirepenned an essay in his honor.

• Chrissy Teigen called him "unapologetic, passionate and one of the best storytellers on the planet."

• Pearl Jam dedicated opening night of their tour to him and Kate Spade.

• Similarly, U2 sang in his honor at the Apollo Theater in New York.

• President Barack Obama posted a photo from the duo's famous meal in Vietnam. That table is also now encased in glass.


• People were quick to transform his former restaurant, Les Halles, with flowers and notes as a memorial.

• One of those notes read, "I escaped to other cultures through your eyes."

• The members of our online cookbook club took to the kitchen, cooking their way through his recipes.
