Costco Survival Kit

One kit can feed a family of 4 for up to an entire year

Still have room in your kitchen after all those $5 rotisserie chickens and four-pound packs of peanut butter? If you're a true Costco diehard (who also happens to have a phobia of apocalyptic disasters), the warehouse chain is selling what Money is dubbing a doomsday survival kit.

The meal kit, available in the store's Emergency Food by the Pallet section, retails for $6,000 and can keep a family of four fed for an entire year. There are 36,000 servings of canned and freeze-dried grains, fruits, vegetables and proteins. And as an added bonus, Costco promises "privacy in shipping," meaning your neighbors won't question why 600 cans of food are being dropped off in your driveway.

Have only a mild fear of the apocalypse? Doomsday starter kits are priced at just $3,800. 


