Noma Alum Hosts Pop-Up On Everest

Be prepared to hike for your supper

Much of the food eaten on the world's tallest mountain comes from a can or a box. It's hard to imagine a gourmet meal on Mount Everest, but one chef hopes to confound that expectation next month when he opens a pop-up at the mountain's base camp, 17,000 feet into the sky, Grub Street reports.

For this meal, guests who are willing pay $1,050, plus airfare, will hike for two weeks to reach the base camp for the dinner. The dinner is the fourth in a series called One Star House Party, an ongoing project that aims to host 20 pop-ups in 20 countries in 20 months.

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The chef behind it all, James Sharman, who worked for a stint under René Redzepi at Noma, has already checked off Bangkok, Beijing and Ho Chi Minh City. He hasn't revealed the menu or how he will cook at that altitude, but the whole idea of the pop-up is to cook local cuisine in "unique or challenging circumstances." This seems to fit the bill and then some.
