Where To Get Ketchup Ice Cream

You have Ed Sheeran to thank (or blame)

You either hate ketchup or view it the way I do: as a sauce from up above that can (and should) be indiscriminately used on everything. But even if you fall in the latter cult camp, it might be a while before you're comfortable ordering a scoop of the ketchup ice cream you'll find at this Ireland-based gelateria.

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Gelati, the shop behind the creation, developed the flavor in honor of Ed Sheeran's tour stop in the area (the singer is known for his fellow obsession for the condiment and even has a Heinz bottle tattooed on his arm). According to an Instagram post, Gelati will be giving away scoops of the vibrantly hued dessert to anyone who's attending the concert while Sheeran's in Ireland.

Owner Michael O'Dowd tells People the ice cream uses the real stuff that comes out of the number 57 bottle before it's topped with even more ketchup. (Apparently, it took O'Dowd a while to master the recipe, noting that normally the salt content would cause the gelato to "melt straight away.")

And though Sheeran himself has yet to chime in, Twitter is already doing a good job of voicing its opinions.
