Michelle Obama Ate At RPM Italian

The first lady balled out with lobster caprese

When Michelle Obama is involved, every meal is a power lunch—and power breakfast, dinner and dessert as well.

The first lady was spotted at RPM Italian in D.C. last night, continuing her streak of good meals after a visit to Cosme in New York. Reps tell Eater that Obama dined on Brussels sprouts and avocado salad, Mediterranean sea bass, lobster caprese and a chocolate torta.

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The news isn't all that shocking, considering Obama dined at the original Chicago location of the Italian spot—as has Lady Gaga, LeBron James, Cindy Crawford and a yearbook's worth of celebrities.

Whether that's because of co-owners Giuliana and Bill Rancic's gig as E! reality TV stars or because the chocolate dessert is one irresistible gold-topped slice of perfection is still up for debate.
