Sliced Ketchup Kickstarter

First Mayochup and now this

Every condiment connoisseur has fallen victim to the watery anguish that is the first squeeze from a ketchup bottle, an all-too-familiar predicament that has plagued our lives for far too long. But a recent Kickstarter campaign is trying to eliminate that struggle by way of sliced ketchup, and it's already having polarizing effects on the condiment community. 

Slice of Sauce cofounders Emily Williams and Thac Lecong launched their campaign on the popular crowdfunding site in hopes of introducing a hassle-free, all-natural alternative to the traditional ketchup we know and love. The individual slices are "flavor-packed" and preservative free, and made from natural ingredients like vine-ripened tomato purée, distilled vinegar, cane sugar, salt, onion powder and garlic, with the final result resembling a thin sheet of fruit leather. Like other packaged ketchups, it requires no refrigeration and can easily be packed along for picnics or stashed in a glove compartment (for all those times the drive-thru attendant forgets to give you a few packets).

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Since its launch, the product has gained plenty of buzz, raising more than $27,000 of its original $15,000 goal. Crowdfunding is scheduled to continue through April 20, with an estimated delivery in June. Slice of Sauce will be the first commercially available slices of ketchup, and will reportedly be stocked online and on the shelves of specialty grocers nationwide.

And although hundreds of people have pledged money to support the cause, there has also been an outpouring of criticism from dubious naysayers.

Whichever side of the fence you're on, one thing is certain: Sliced ketchup is coming. And if things go as planned, it won't be long before other Slice of Sauce varieties follow. Sliced mustard, anyone? 

Ian Centrone is a native New Yorker and freelance writer always on the hunt for his next adventure. Follow his travels at @iancentrone
