How To Make A Coconut Latte

Upgrade your coffee game with a coconut latte

This September, embrace the upgrade with us: Make your eating and drinking better, faster and stronger.

Turns out, we've been doing our morning routines all wrong. Unless, that is, we happen to be lucky enough to have discovered The Frog's Crown Bakery in New York City and its signature drink: the coconut latte. That's right, take the train to coconut town for your new favorite fall beverage.

Owner Krikor Gazarian invented the luscious latte three years ago when The Frog's Crown opened and has been serving countless cups of his special recipe to guests who swear by it (apparently, it's Jessica Alba's favorite cup of joe). And with good reason: The creamy concoction is like a warm (or iced) serving of happiness with a caffeine kick to boot.

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This isn't your typical latte made with [insert nondairy alternative], and it's all-natural. The drink uses real coconut meat and is inspired by Gazarian's upbringing in Venezuela, where coconuts are abundant in cuisine and in the popular cocada drink (made with a mix of coconut meat and milk).

The coconut + caffeine trend isn't limited to NYC; cafés around the country are experimenting with their own ways to use the tropical fruit. Chicago's Ipsento makes its namesake beverage with coconut milk, honey and cayenne, while Home Cafe in San Francisco whips up iced coconut-vanilla lattes.

Although Gazarian's original recipe is top secret, we try our hand at a version that you can make at home with a few ingredients. (See the recipe.)

Say adieu to your dreary deli coffee.
