Cut Your Man Bun Off, Get Free Booze
Haters, you know where to go for happy hour
Man bun haters, you have a new favorite bar. A Brooklyn haunt called Boobie Trap is on the campaign you wish you had started against your long-locked, beanie-sporting and kombucha-drinking fellows. As Munchies reports, co-owner Kristen North decided to do her part to walk back the trend that's picked up so much steam in the last few years, it's even an official term now in the dictionary. Her bar will give away free booze for anyone who chops his hair off on the premises.
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North tells Brokelyn that she's seen one too many man buns of late, and thinks it's time to move on. (With her bar located in Bushwick, it's no wonder North sees her fair share of man buns.)
But will anyone take her up on the offer of a free bottle of booze for a haircut on site? So far, no one has taken the plunge. Maybe too many people are following Dryanuary, or maybe people are more attached to the man bun than you think...